荣誉音乐3是一系列进步性课程的最后一门, 内容包括乐理, 从浪漫主义时代到现在的音乐史和音乐技巧. 理论从荣誉音乐2涵盖的概念发展到包括更复杂和创造性的任务, such as: melodic and harmonic dictation; composition of a bass line for a given 旋律, implying appropriate 和谐; realization of a figured bass; realization of a Roman numeral progression; analysis of repertoire, 包括旋律, 和谐, 节奏, 纹理, and form; and sight-singing in major and minor modes and in simple and compound meters.
学生学习识别基于共同实践调性的听觉和视觉程序, 如:传统四声部织体包括非谐音的功能三合一, 七和弦, cadence types and secondary dominants; melodic and harmonic compositional processes (e.g., sequence, motivic development); phrase structure (e.g., contrasting period, phrase group); small forms (e.g., 圆形的二进制, 简单的三元, 主题与变奏, strophic); and modulation to closely related keys.
先决条件:最低 等级93在音乐1或荣誉音乐2, 当前或以前的声乐/器乐学习, 及部门批准